
Here's a question from Twitter:

Why is it that the super quick test kits that we've read about being used in South Korea aren't available everywhere? And can people catch it twice?

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I'm trying to make a mental plan for what to do if I develop a cough and fever. Given that I'm in a low-risk group, is it reasonable to plan to stay home as long as the cough and fever stay pretty mild? I'm fearful of transmitting it to more vulnerable populations if I go out and about, and it doesn't sound like I'd be able to get tested for coronavirus anyway.

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Could use some suggestions about managing anxiety, in particular in front of small children. Also, this is more on the medical side: do we know much (anything?) about children with pre-existing conditions who get it? Thinking about my daughter who has asthma. I trust her pulmonologist who has said not to worry too much and that she can go to school as long as schools are open, but...I know the data from China says kids generally didn't get it or did well with it, and that must include some number of kids with pre-existing conditions. But I can't seem to find numbers that deal with that subset of kids directly.

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Our preschool is shutting down on Monday. Is it safe to go to a park/play structure and how many kids makes a space a bad idea? And is it okay to meet up with friends for a play date? I worry about the cabin fever driving kiddo up the wall. I'm in Silicon Valley which is a bit of a hot spot.

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Question for you -- I think it's a big deal, but my boss/company is not on board with us working from home for a period of weeks/months, even though we have the capacity to do so. I live in MD, where the first case of community transmission was just reported (not in my county). At what point do I put my foot down and demand to work from home? I am not too concerned for my own health but do not want to be a vector.

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I feel like I'm simultaneously overreacting and underreacting. HELP!

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