So for the Q&A tomorrow (and maybe, I hope) a potential article, I'd like to ask about my biggest fear which many people will find silly and many others will nod their heads in agreement too - what happens to my pets during all this? If my husband and I contract the virus, are we forced to leave them in the house alone (they'll starve). Will we be given time to at least lay out extra food and water for them, etc.? Many people may feel so afraid of what happens to their pets if they leave, and so they may choose not to go to a doctor or seek treatment, and I don't see a lot of articles addressing this component. A pandemic effects both the people and their furry friends.

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Hi Frances, good question! The CDC has guidance on pets here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html#animals

For most people who get this virus, they will not have to leave the house. This will probably happen in about 80% of cases or so. As always, your doctor is the guiding light on this, so if you have any symptoms at all, get in touch with them. They will likely tell you, however, to stay home and self-quarantine as long as your symptoms are mild. (The second that starts to change - your fever goes too high, or you have chest pain or trouble breathing - call your doctor to be seen immediately.)

So, odds are, you'll be at home with your beloved furry friends. Animals are susceptible to coronaviruses, so keep the same distance with them that you would keep with other, less furry friends: stay in another room, wash your hands thoroughly before handling their food or water, and so on.

If you do need medical attention at the hospital, make sure to leave plenty of water and food out for your pets before you visit the doctor, just in case you need to be transferred into care right away. If you and your husband are both hospitalized, I believe you can ask a friend to check in on your pets - they should wear gloves and a mask as long as they are in your house, and wash hands very thoroughly.

But this is something you can ask your doctor now, in order to make sure you have advice from someone more expert than some nerd on the internet. Or ask them, if you do get sick, how you should be planning for pets. Hope this helps!

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